Monday, September 26, 2011

NBA Season In Jeopardy

Commissioner David Stern stated on Thursday that the calendar is not their friend after another unsuccessful meeting between the owners and players on Thursday 9/22/11.  On day 84 (Friday 9/23/11) of the lockout the league announced that training camp as well as 43 preseason games will be cancelled for this upcoming season.  Training camps were scheduled to begin next Monday 10/3/11 with the first preseason game scheduled 6 days later on October 9th.

Both sides were unable to reach a deal on the new Collective Bargaining Agreement that was presented to both sides on Thursday.  In the new deal the owners wanted to cut the current player's percentage of revenue from 57% to below 50%.  Both sides were also unable to agree on the cap salary for each team, in which players wanted it to also remain the same.  The owners and players are scheduled to meet again tomorrow in hopes of coming closer to an agreement with regular season scheduled to tip off in a little over a month on November 1st.

Players are still holding out on signing overseas to see what will happen this week with negotiations.  Durant stated earlier that he would wait until October 1st to make a decision as he has been talking with a Turkish team.  Kobe Bryant has also been offered a deal from a team in Italy.  For fans that had already purchased tickets for the preseason, ticket holders will receive a full refund on all tickets purchased plus 1 percent interest.

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