Friday, October 14, 2011

Does Tebow Deserve Starting QB Position?

With 1 second left in the game Tebow dodges the defenders, byes time, throws the ball into the end zone for hoping for a touchdown that would have won the game....

The debate of whether Tebow or Orton should be the starting quarterback in Denver has been on the lips of analyst, coaches, and NFL fans since before the season started.  Even after the fans chanted Tebow name throughout the entire 4th quarter of the 1st Broncos' home game Orton was still named the started for Denver throughout the first 5 weeks of the season.  But after Sunday's game the Denver Broncos have had a change of heart and will be starting Tim Tebow instead of Orton after their bye week this week against the Miami Dolphins on October 23rd.  The decision came after Tebow entered the game during the 2nd half of Sunday's game against the Chargers for Orton.  Orton left the game with only 34 passing yards and 1 interception.

Once Tebow entered the game it was like a breath of fresh air for the struggling Broncos team.  Tebow ended the game with 79 passing yards and 1 touchdown, rallying the Broncos to within 2 points of the Chargers team.  The Broncos scored 14 points during the final quarter and would have tied the game if the attempted 2-point conversion attempted by Tebow was a success. The Chargers did go on to win the game 29-24.  In the 1st 3 drives of the game, with Orton, in Sunday's game the Broncos only had 1, yes I repeat 1 1st down conversion and failed to score in the 1st quarter.  In the last 3 drives of the game, with Tebow, the Broncos had 7 1st down conversions.

Tebow made a play in which he scrambled, bought time, and threw the ball into the end zone for a waiting receiver, if the receiver would have caught the ball the Broncos would have had a tally in the win column Sunday evening instead of the lost column.  Tebow has in the past made plays for the Broncos and was 1-2 last year in the games in which he started for Denver.  That last play had me thinking maybe Denver should spice things up a little and have Tebow starting or have him switching out with Orton because obviously there is something broken that needs to be fixed among this team.

Maybe Tebow is what the Broncos needed to improve, to try something different, but the question is if Tebow has been performing like this then why haven't the front office and the coaches given Tebow a chance?  Other players from different teams have stated that Tebow during warm-ups before the game is a joke, that he just can't play.  Maybe it's one of those things where you perform better under pressure but who knows.  Going back to training camp, analyst that attended the practices and even the coaches said that Tebow wasn't ready to play he needed more practice.  So is he goofing off in practice or does Tebow feel that he's gifted and doesn't need to practice?  How do you reward somebody with a position when they haven't shown you that they deserve it at practice?  "Practice makes perfect" right?  But all the plays that Tebow has made for the Broncos in the past from the outside looking in has looked like it was all pure luck, that's including the touchdown he scored last season in which he forgot the play they were running and ran the ball in for a touchdown.  But with this new change I guess we will soon see if Tebow really has skills and will improve at the National Football League level or will his "luck" eventually run out.

"I do believe he'll be successful, and he'll play well, for a small window of time," former NFL quarterback, current ESPN analyst Trent Dilver

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