Sunday, August 12, 2012

Chad Johnson Arrested and Released by Dolphins

Twitter went crazy last night when news that Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson had been arrested on some type of domestic charges. Once details began to surface jokes and "words of advice" for the star was the discussion on twitter.

News of Johnson's arrest was first reported by the Sun-Sentinal. Chad Johnson and his wife for a little over a month, Evelyn Lozado, got into a heated argument after Lozado found a receipt for a box of condoms. Johnson then became really upset and head butted Lozado causing a 3 inch laceration to her face. Lozado ran to a neighbors house and called the police. After arriving at the scene and seeing the cut Lozado was taken to the hospital while Johnson was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for simple domestic battery.  Ochocinco claims that Evelyn was the one who head butted him but this is not the first time that Chad has been arrested for domestic violence.  Johnson was arrested during college for supposedly slapping his girlfriend at the time.  Evelyn does plan to press charges on Chad Johnson who is now unemployed after being released by the Miami Dolphins Sunday afternoon.

Chad's Mugshot
UPDATE: Since news of the Chad Johnson/Evelyn Lozado domestic violence story has hit VH1 has now step forward stating they will no longer air the "Ev and Ocho" show that was scheduled to air Septemeber 3rd. The following statement was released by the VH1 Publicity Department
"Due to the unfortunate events over the weekend and the seriousness of the allegations, VH1 is pulling the series 'Ev and Ocho' from its schedule and has no current plans of airing it."
Chad Johnson released the following statement Tuesday:
“I am going to let the legal process run its course. I wish Evelyn nothing but the best, I have no negative words to say about her, the only thing I can say is I love her very much.  I will continue to be positive and stay training hard for another opportunity in the NFL. I appreciate all my fans and supporters and if I have disappointed you in any way, you have my sincerest apologies. Once again I will continue to stay positive and appreciate all the support during this tough period in my life.” -Chad Johnson
Evelyn released the following statement on early Tuesday:
“I am deeply disappointed that Chad has failed to take responsibility for his actions and made false accusations against me, it is my sincere hope that he seeks the help he needs to overcome his troubles. Domestic violence is not okay and hopefully my taking a stand will help encourage other women to break their silence as well.”
Lozado's lawyer has also come out stating that Evelyn has filed for divorce from Chad Johnson in a statement he gave to the TV show "The Insider"

Good for VH1 for stepping in and choosing the moral thing to do over ratings.  Domestic violence is a serious issue and I pray that Evelyn finds closure from this incidence and Johnson seeks the help that is needed, or vice versa, who knows what really happened except those two but the truth will definitely surface.

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